Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs

Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs

Greetings to all my friends on the Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs page. I know I haven’t been very faithful in writing posts since Thanksgiving—but—well you know all of the excuses we have!

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in this page over the past year, and to tell you how much I have enjoyed working on the Maple Hill page. No matter where I live, Maple Hill, Kansas is still my beloved home and the place where many of my happiest memories reside. I hope you have enjoyed learning more of our “home’s” history. I promise to become active again in January 2015, and I ask that you do also, posting you old photographs and providing your memories.

I am fortunate to have a beautiful post card album that belonged to my Great Aunt, Edna Corbin of Wichita, Kansas. Aunt Edna was a “professional” lady, working for the gas company in Wichita, all of her life. She was often a guest in my family’s home and we would also travel to Wichita. She was so much fun and we all enjoyed her visits and good humor. She was the sister of my maternal Grandfather, Robert Corbin. Most of the post cards are from the early 1900s when the Corbin family owned the hotel in Fremont, Kansas—now a Kansas ghost town.

I thought it would be fun to post a few of the Christmas and New Years Cards as a way of wishing you the very Merriest of Christmas’ and much happiness in the coming year—2015. God’s richest blessings to you all!

[The last photo is of Edna Corbin, walking to work in Wichita, Kansas about 1940.]


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