Anna Younker Miland send some pictures of the Younker Family mostly taken in Washington State. From US Census records, we know that from sometime in the 1920s until about 1940, Arthur E. and Matilda (Fauerbach) Younker lived in Maple Hill, Kansas. As did so many others trying to recoup from the Great Depression, the family moved to Washington State seeking jobs and opportunity.
Photo One: This is Arthur E. and Matilda (Fauerbach) Younker.
Photo Two: The Arthur E. Younker Family: L-R are Elaine, Matilda, Arthur E., Doris, Melvin, and the boy in front of Arthur is youngest son Norman.
Photo Three: L-R are Doris and Elaine Younker
Photo Four is a great picture of Matilda Frances (Fauerbach) Younker. I enjoy the photo because it is apparent that she is just from the garden or kitchen and didn’t have a chance to change her apron.
Photo Five is Anna Katherine (Spang) Younker, her daughter Mary A. Younker and Mary’s daughter Cindy. Anna Katherine (Spang) Younker and her husband Daniel Boone Younker, lived in and around Maple Hill Township and were farmers. They are buried in the Maple Hill (Stone) Church Cemetery.
Photo Six, is of Melvin L. Younker (father of Anna Younker Miland) at about five or six years of age in his goat cart, a wonderful photograph.
Photo Seven is Melvin L. Younker, age 14.
Photo Eight is Melvin L. Younker in his WW II Navy Uniform.
Photo Nine is L-R: Melvin, Elaine, Doris and standing in front, Norman Younker.
I want to thank Anna Younker Miland for sharing these photographs with the Maple Hill Page. I’m hoping that many others with connections to Maple Hill, Kansas and its families will share their photographs.