An Adams Chronology and Genealogy Chart
Im going to begin with Alexander and Mary Jane (Porter) Adams, since they are the common ancestors of all Adams Family members in the Maple Hill Community. In later posts, I will be discussing the children of Alexander and Mary Jane Adams, and other descendants. I will, however, begin writing about the earliest generation first.
Before listing these Adams Generations, I want to provide a disclaimer. I have done my best to make certain that these generations are correct, but having worked with genealogy for more than 30 years, I also know that mistakes are made. I provide this information believing that it is accurate.
1. Alexander Adams July 19, 1822 to January 16, 1904
Married Mary Jane Porter June 18, 1828 to March 2, 1917
2. James Adams, Jr. January 13, 1798
No death date or burial record has been found for James Adams, Jr.
Married – Hannah Goudy July 1795 to October 18, 1867
3. Rev. James Adams September 6, 1766 to September 28, 1826
Married Margaret Munn December 24, 1768
No death or burial record has been found for Margaret (Munn) Adams
4. Robert Adams 1746 to 1822
M. Mary Terrell 1757 to 1771
5. Elijah Adams 1722 to January 21, 1799
M. Hannah Blair 1725 to 1728
6. John Adams 1672 to July 12, 1753
M. Elizabeth Hughlings 1677 to February 25, 1775
Having listed the generations, I will begin with what little is known of John and Elizabeth (Hughlings) Adams. I emphasis little, because to delve into their history would require travel to Ireland and research into the Irish National Archives.
John Adams was born in 1672 in Antrim, Ulster, Ireland. Although several Adams Family Genealogists have speculated about who Johns parents were, there is wide disagreement. I have therefore chosen not to speculate.
John Adams was married to Elizabeth Hughlings on July 7, 1709 in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Although Dublin was certainly a Catholic stronghold, John and Elizabeth Adams were married in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church there. Soon after their marriage, the couple immigrated to the United States.
We know that immigration occurred quickly after marriage because their first son, Matthew Adams, was born in 1710 at Mt. Bethel, Northampton, Pennsylvania. John and Elizabeth (Hughling) Adams, their son Matthew and his wife Lydia (Chambers) Adams and a second son, William Adams, and a third son James Adams, are all buried in the Lamington Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Lamington, Somerset, New Jersey.
Elijah Adams, was the youngest son of John and Elizabeth (Hughling) Adams and was born in Somerset County, New Jersey in 1722. Most of the early American settlers were still following the Law of Primogentry, which meant that the oldest son inherited the majority of the land and estate of his father. As the youngest son, Elijah must have headed west, knowing that although his father owned land in Somerset County, New Jersey, it would most likely be inherited by his older brothers.
There are several records, especially Pennsylvania Tax Lists, that record Elijah Adams removal to Pennyslvania. The early state tax had a very unusual name: The Exoneration Tax returns and diverse tax lists from Revolutionary-era Pennsylvania include documents for supply taxes, 18-penny taxes, liquor taxes, carriage and billiard table taxes, and others. Supply taxes were levied to help pay debts from the Revolutionary War, while the 18-penny tax included both a poll tax on freemen and property taxes assessed to back issuances of paper money.
Elijah Adams is listed on the Pennsylvania Exoneration Tax Lists for the 1770s, 1780s and into the 1790s. According to Bedford County, Pennsylvania historical records, Elijah Adams kept a tavern in the Town of Bedford during those years. It was a tavern operated from his home, which was a 20X 30 two-story log house, according to tax records. He was also taxed for a log barn which was 24 X 30.
The exact date of Elijah Adams arrival in Bedford County, Pennsylvania is not known. However, he married Hannah Blair, in Bedford, in 1745. Hannah Blair was born in 1725 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania and died there in 1788.
The following is a copy of Elijah Adams Will:
Bedford Co. Pennsylvania Will Book Vol. 1 page 118
Written: 19 Jan 1798
Probated: 21 Jan 1799
Whereas I Elijah Adams of St. Clair Township, Bedford County and State of
Pennsylvania Being in sickness of Body but of Prefect mind and memory Calling
to mind the Certainty of Death and uncertainty of life have made and Appointed
this my Will and Testament in manner and form following Viz
Imprimis first I Recommend my Soul to God who Gave it me and my Body to be
Deacently Burried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named all
Funeral Charges and Just Debts Every where to be paid
I Give and Bequeath to my beloved wife Hannah Adams, my big Bible, three Beds
with the bed Clothes, and all the Household furniture, one Cow, two Sheep, the old
Sorrol Mare, and her Saddle, and Likewise the third of all my Estate both real
and personal after the above mentioned articles are taken out During her
natural Life together with the Privilege and full use of the house which I now
Live in.
I Likewise give and Bequeath to my son Robert Adams the sum of three pounds in
I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Jane Blair, Wife of John Blair the sum of
three Pounds in money.
I Give & Bequeath to my Daughter Ruth McGregger wife of Alexander McGreger the
sum of five pounds
I Give and Bequeath to my son Elijah Adams, the sum of three pounds in money
I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Hannah Adams wife of James Adams the sum of
Ten Pounds in money
I Give and Bequeath to my son Ephraim Adams the sum of fifteen Pounds in money
I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Sussana Adams the sum of fifteen Pounds in
money and her side saddle
I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Dinah Adams the sum of fifteen Pounds in
I Give and Bequeath to my son Obadia Adams the sum of Ten pounds in money
I Give and Bequeath to my son Mordecai Adams the sum of Ten Pounds in money
I Likewise will and Bequeath to my two sons Obadiah and Mordecai Adams that
tract of Land I now live on to them and theirs Heirs forever to be Divided
thus begining at a Black oak Corner on the South East Side of the Chesnut
Ridge Thence running a Straight line to where the fence Croseth the spring Run
thence along the Middle to the Cabin by the bearn thence along the Medow fence
adjoining the Big field to the first Cornner of said field Thence a straight
line to the West Corner of Ephraim Adams new field that is to say Obadiah
adams to have the sath west side adjoining Lands of Thomas Callehan and Robert
Adams Provided that he the said Obadiah Adams shall fully Discharge all Debts
or Charges that shall be Lawfully due on the before mentioned part of Said
Tract of Land without taking any part of my Personally Estate to defrey or
Discharge the same Mordecai adams to have that Part where the Building are on
Provided that he the Said Mordecai Adams Shall Fully Discharge all Debts or
Charges that shall be Lawfully Due on the beforemention and Part of Said Tract
of Land without any Part of my Personal Estate to Defray or Discharge the same
And I further enjoin my two sons Obadiah and Mordecai Adams Not to sell or
Imbrazel the beforementioned Tract of Land untill after the Deceas of their
I Give and Bequeath to my Grand Son Joshua Smith ten pounds in money one year
Schooling and one new Suit of Clothes Provided that he lives remain with his
grand untill he is twentyone years of age
I Likewise will that tract of Land lying in the Chestnut Ridge adjoining land
of Robert Adams and Thomas Callehan Containing one hundred and twenty six
acres to be sold by my Executors and with Regard to the remainder of my Estate
to be the same more or less after Paying the above Legatees and Answering
Every of the afore mentioned Demands and all necessary and Contingent Charges
I will and allow that Such remainder be Equally Divided into Ten Equal Shares
among my Ten Children
I Likewise will that all the Wheat which is now upon my loft shall be at my
wife’s Disposal and I hereby Authorise and appoint my Well beloved Wife Hannah
Adams and Alexander Mc Greger to be my Sole Executors to se this my Last will
and Testament Duely Executed According to the true intent and meaning thereof
and I hereby utterly Revoke and Disannul all other Will or Wills by me
formelry made or to have been made and Confirmed Acknowledged and Declare and
only this to be my Last will and Testament which I acknowledge in presence of
these Evidence before whom I set my hand and Seal
In Presence of us the subscribers which witneth this 19th Day of the first
month Anno Domini 1798 – Elijah Adams (seal)
Thomas Bowen (sworn)
Thomas Penrose
Thomas Griffith (sworn)
Bedford County ss
On the twnety first Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and ninety nine Personally came before me the subscriber Register for
the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for the
County of Bedford in the State of Pennsylvania Thomas Bowen and Thomas
Griffith two of the subscribing witness to the above instrument of writing and
being duty affirmed according to Law did declare & say that they were
personally present and heard and saw the above named Elijah Adams sign seal
publish and pronounce and declare the above instrument of writing as and for
his Last Will and Testmament that the names of these Deponants thereto
subscribed is their own proper handwriting that they did also se Thmas Penrose
sign his name thereto as witness to such Executor and that the testator was of
sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of these deponants knowledge
and belief
Affirmed to and subscribed this 21th day of January Anno Domini 1799
Thomas Bowen
Sworn by me John Anderson, Register
Comment: Elijah Adams had a very large number of descendants. Some moved with
Michael Deaver as their leader to what is now Deavertown in Morgan county,
Ohio. Further descendants moved on to Vernon County, Wisconsin along with
intermarried families from Morgan County.
Although the death dates of Elijah and Hannah (Blair) Adams have been recorded, I have not been able to find the location of their burials.
I will stop for today with the information about the first two generations of the Adams Family and will continue with Robert Adams in the next post.
The first and second photographs are of the present Lamington Presbyterian Church, and the Lamington Presbyterian Church Burial Ground, Lamington, Somerset County, New Jersey. John and Elizabeth (Hughlings) Adams and several of their children are buried there.
The third photograph is of Bedford County, Pennsylvania, where Elijah Adams and his wife Hannah Blair Adams lived in Bedford, Bedford County, Pennsylvania.
The fourth photograph is of the site where Elijah Adams operated his tavern and inn from his log home in Bedford, Pennsylvania.
The fifth photograph relays information about the site of Elijah Adam’s tavern and inn in Bedford.