Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs

Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs

1880 Agricultural Census for Benjamin Warren, Jr.
Maple Hill Township, Maple Hill, Wabaunsee County, Kansas

I have looked at the U. S. Census Reports and the Wabaunsee County Land Atlases for the period 1880 to 1920. I have not been able to find any evidence that Benjamin and Gertrude (Olney) Warren owned any property in Maple Hill Township or Wabaunsee County during that period.

The 1890 U. S. Census Reports were burned in a tragic fire in Washington, DC, and along with them the Agricultural Census reports. However, I was able to find an 1880 Agricultural Census report for Benjamin Warren. The Agricultural Census reports do not give precise locations of farms, but from those individuals listed as living near Benjamin Warren, Im able to tell about where he was living at the time the census was taken. Here are the names that appear with his: Rufus J. Smith, James Brock, S. S. Blyton, Andrew Pringle, Alexander Adams and Charles W. Taylor. All of those names are individuals who owned property in the eastern and southeastern portion of Maple Hill Township. Since Alexander Adams is listed as living near Benjamin Warren, and since Benjamin and Gertrude Warrens daughter, Mabel Gertrude Warren married Horace G. Adams, son of Alexander and Mary Jane Porter Adams, one might reason that Benjamin Warren was the tenant farmer on one of Alexander Adams farms in eastern Maple Hill Township, however there is no proof of that assumptoin.

Here is the information the 1880 Agricultural Census provided:

Farm is rented and not owned.
Farm contains 150 acres of tilled land
20 acres of woodland
230 acres of old tilled land now pasture
Total Acreage 400 acres
Value of land $ 6,500.00
Value of implements $ 200.00
Value of livestock $ 8,500.00
Repairs in 1879 $ 25.00
Wages paid to others $ 600.00
1897 Value of all production $ 1,150.00
How much mowed hay? 40 acres
How much hay produced? 60 tons
All kinds of horses 18
All mules 2
All milch cows 100
All butter produced 1,000 #
All cattle 200
All calves dropped 125
All cattle purchased 200
All cattle sold 90
All cattle slaughtered 2
All cattle died or stolen 5
All hogs 75
All chickens 40
Dozens of eggs produced 160
Acres in Corn 90
Bushels of corn produced 2,500
Acres in Wheat 40
Bushels of wheat produced 900
Acres and garden production None
Acres in Apples 1
Acres in Peaches 1
Cords of Firewood Produced 12
Value of Firewood $30

From newspaper articles and Census Reports, it is known that Benjamin and Gertrude Warren lived in Maple Hill Township from 1876 through about 1900. However, the 1900 U. S. Census report shows them living in their old hometown, Eastford, Windham County, Connecticut in a house they owned worth $1,000. The report lists Benjamin as a retired farmer. By the time the 1910 U.S. Census was taken, they had returned to Maple Hill, Kansas. Gertrude (Olney) Warren died in 1912 and is buried in the Old Stone Church Cemetery, Maple Hill, Kansas. Her husband Benjamin Warren lived both in rural and town rented properties, until his death in 1927. He is also buried in the Old Stone Church Cemetery, Maple Hill, Kansas.


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