Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs

Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs

John Turnbull, thank you for posting on our Maple Hill page. Like many of us who grew up in Maple Hill during the 1950s and 1960s, I knew your great grandfather, John Turnbull Jr. The boys used to spend many happy hours in his blacksmith shop on Main Street making “sizzles” at his forge and taking them to the big, belted hammer and make them into knives and other imaginary swords. It was a great place to learn from an aging master.

I knew Roderick, Edith, Don and many others of the Turnbull family. Rod was probably my inspiration for delving deeper into Maple Hill History and I have a large folder of correspondence with him from over the years. He signed copies of both his books which I often use as resources. My grandmother was Central Mabel in Maple Hill who he wrote about often in the books and in his Kansas City Star articles.

You don’t say who your father and grandfather are but I’d be interested in knowing.

I’ve always wondered if anyone in the Turnbull family kept Roderick’s files of Maple Hill history. If so, the Wabaunsee County Historical Society would be a good place for them to find a home ultimately. His correspondence was voluminous.

Please post information or ask questions often. We’re glad to have your involvement.

Okay readers, post your memories of the Turnbulls or the blacksmith shop . I’m sure there are many!!!

Nick Clark, Page Administrator

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