Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs

Maple Hill, Kansas: Its History, People, Legends and Photographs

Henry and Charlotte (Kemp) Fauerbach had nine children. The fourth child, a boy, was Robert Francis “Frank” Fauerbach. He was born April 19, 1874 on the Henry Fauerbach Farm, northeast of Maple Hill, Kansas. He married Miss Clara Charlotte Allen, who was the daughter of Charles Gustav and Matilda (Peterson) Allen. Clara was born on on May 10, 1876 at Halifax, Wabaunsee County, Kansas.

Clara’s parents were Swedish immigrants who came to Kansas with a large influx of Swedish settlers during the early 1870s. They found support in St. Marys, Kansas from other Scandinavian settlers and the Lutheran Church. Along with the Hammarlunds and others, the Allens moved to Halifax, Kansas where they found work as stone masons building fences and buildings. When they had accumulated enough capital, Charlie and Matilda Allen moved their family to Kaw Township, where they purchased a farm and lived the remainder of their lives.

Frank and Clara C. (Allen) Fauerbach were married April 19, 1898 and moved to the Fauerbach farms northeast of Maple Hill, Kansas. There they raised five children, all of whom I knew except their oldest, Matilda Frances Fauerbach. Their children were:
Matilda Frances Fauerbach – 1899 – 1956
Blanche Ellen Fauerbach – 1901 – 2002
Charles Henry “Chuck” Fauerbach – 1904 – 1994
Myrtle Mae Fauerbach – 1911 – 2008
Robert R. Fauerbach – 1914 – 1963

Here are some of the older photographs that Anna Younker Midland shared with the Maple Hill Page. I’m assuming that these photos belonged to her grandmother, Matilda (Peterson) Fauerbach.

The first photo is: L-R Clara (Peterson) Fauerbach, I’m fairly certain that the boy standing between them is Charles Henry “Chuck” Fauerbach and on the left is Frank Fauerbach. I’ve tried unsuccessfully to find an image of the open touring car elsewhere, but it appears to be a model from about 1915. The photo is taken in front of their farm home near Mill Creek northeast of Maple Hill.

The second photoograph is of Clara Charlotte Allen, taken in the mid-1860s. The photo was taken in Holton, Kansas and I have not found information about the Allen family living in that area, which is about 35 miles northeast of St. Marys, Kansas. There were photographers working in St. Marys at that time, so again, I have to assume that the Allens were living in Holton, Kansas.

The third photo is a copy of one that appeared in a newspaper, although I do not know which one. It shows Clara surrounded by “dinner plate” dahlias, which one would assume she grew.

Fourth is a photograph of Clara (Allen) Fauerbach standing on the front porch of her farm home northeast of Maple Hill. Although there is no date, it would appear that Clara is in her 70s, which would be during the 1940s.

The fifth photograph is: L-R – Clara (Allen) Fauerbach, her younger brother Frank August Allen, and their mother, Matilda (Peterson) Allen. The photograph would appear to have been made in the 1930s and it is taken in the driveway of the Fauerbach Farm, Maple Hill, Kansas.

Th sixth photograph is of Matilda (Fauerbach) Younker and her mother Clara (Allen) Fauerbach. From the clothing, I’m guessing that this photo was taken between 1915 and 1920 at the Fauerbach Farm, Maple Hill, Kansas.

Thank you for sharing these photographs Anna! They bring back some interesting memories of Maple Hill folks from times gone by.


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