Margaret Ann (Campbell) Morrison
Birth: Apr., 1858
Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland
Death: Dec. 17, 1887
Maple Hill
Wabaunsee County
Kansas, USA
Wabaunsee County News, Dec. 29, 1887, page 3:
The subject of this notice, Mrs. A. Morrison, wife of Mr. Alex Morrison, died at Maple Hill Saturday, December 17, aged 34 years and six months.
The deceased was born in Dilry, Scotland, April, 1858; emigrated to the United States when 16 years of age and settled in Ill., where she also married; removed to Kan., 1882. She was a member of the Presbyterian church.
The sudden and peculiarly painful death of this estimable woman, has filled the entire community with the deepest sorrow. For several years a resident of this neighborhood, her many excellent qualities and worthy Christian character has secured for her a large circle of friends whose esteem for her as a neighbor was based as much upon an appreciation of her public services, as her personal worth. For a long time past she had officiated as superintendent of a Sabbath school in the vicinity, in the organization of which she took a leading part, and by her unwearying interest in its well being, contributed largely to its success. To every department of life her example was exemplary and appropriate, and fittingly described in the words of the scripture lesson read at her funeral. “She looked well to the ways of her household, and ate not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up and call her blessed, her husband also he praiseth her.” At a time when with loving expectancy she looked for the blessing of a new life to the household, the angel of God crossed the threshold and summoned Mother and babe to the better life, far beyond the shadows of Earth’s dark clouds and the reach of its many sorrows. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
According to Jill Herzog’s database of Wabaunsee County burials, at one time Margaret had a stone in the cemetery. It listed her as Mrs. A. Morrison, and had no other data.
Maple Hill Cemetery
Maple Hill
Wabaunsee County
Kansas, USA
Plot: Sec. E 1/2, Lot 0328
I haven’t been able to find anything about a Margaret Ann (Campbell) Strickland, but this person seems to match the information you provided.