The information below is from just one year of H. G. Adam’s involvement in the American National Livestock Association. If you’re interested in more, you can easily Google “H G Adams American National Livestock Association” and the search engine will bring up the ANLA annual minutes for the years he was involved. Be prepared for A LOT of reading!!
Notes on the Service of Mr. H. G. Adams, Sr.
To the American National Livestock Association
Denver, Colorado
H. A. Jastro, President
Annual Convention January 11, 12, 13, 1910
The Executive Committee of the American National Livestock Association included both Horace G. Adams and William J. Tod of Maple Hill, Kansas.
William J. Tod was on the Committee on Stock Yards and Live Stock Exchanges.
Horace G. Adams was Chair of the Committee on Resolutions. The CR was in charge of writing the annual platform of business for the organization and also wrote all of the resolutions from the organization to congress, state legislatures and resolutions of commendation to organizations and individuals. Most of the organizations convention time was spent debating, approving or rejecting said resolutions.
Some of the most important resolutions of the 1910 Convention were:
1. A resolution establishing a lobbying office in Washington, DC.
2. A resolution against several tariffs that had adverse effects on livestock producers.
3. A resolution against a tariff to tax meat exported from the United States to European Countries. H. G. Adams testified before the Congressional Committee, representing the ANLA.
4. A resolution opposing some of the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission and its ability to regulate railroads and railroad shipping rates.
5. H. G. Adams spoke at length about the organizations resolution on Conservation of Natural
Resources. There was much discussion about government control of government land leases
For cattle grazing. Small operators opposed government control while large operators favored government control.
6. H. G. Adams opposed the NALA resolution regarding the Payne Tariff Law, which gave favor to monopolies such as banks, railroads and large meat packing companies.
7. H. G. Adams went on record as opposing the newly proposed tax on oleo-margarines.
8. H. G. Adams went on record as favoring the resolution which called for improving and furnishing railroad cattle cars. The resolution also called on railroads to give prompt and efficient attention to railroad cars arriving in stockyards and meat packing plants.
9. H. G. Adams went on record as favoring the resolution asking for rate protection for cattle shippers.
10. H. G. Adams helped write and introduced Resolution 16, which called for the extermination of prairie dogs, also known as gophers, stating that the animals can eat as much grass as one cow in 14 days and that they cause harm to the grassland and create holes which cause cattle and horses to fall and/or break legs. The resolution called on the Department of the Interior to provide poison to farmers requesting it.