This photograph was taken for the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Frederick and Mable Spencer Miller Clark, which was celebrated June 14, 1960. Both were members of long time Wabaunsee County Families.
Frederick Lewis Clark Was born in 1886 in the Snokomo Community, the son of Charles “Charlie” and Emaline (Devore) Clark. Mable Spencer Miller was born in 1895 to Charles Sydney Miller and Ella (Gray) Miller. The Clarks farmed in the Maple Hill Community three miles south of town on what was known as the Harve Clark farm. There they raised four children: Ava Clark Nash, Russell Clark, Sybil (Clark) Deiter and Wayne Clark. After Fred Clark’s death in 1962, Mable Clark sold their farm and moved into a house on Prairie Avenue in Maple Hill. She lived there until her death in 1986. Wayne Clark is the only child surviving and lives in the Snokomo Community south of Paxico, Kansas.
Mable was known as “Mable Fred” in the community. My paternal grandmother was also Mable Clark, and she was called “Mable Jim” after her husband James Peter Clark. In that way, their friends could distinguish them.
I remember them both, and have enjoyed many conversations about the Clark family and early history of the community. Fred and Mable Clark are buried in the Old Stone Church Cemetery west of town.