Further information about Joseph N. Dolley: This is his obituary from the Alma Enterprise:
May 10 Joseph N. Dolley, aged 80, died in Topeka early Tuesday morning after being struck by a car. Mr. Dolley was born in Boston, April 14, 1860. His father was a sea captain and merchant. After finishing school, he came to Maple Hill in 1884 and became a partner of John Verity in operating a store on the old townsite. When the railroad went through in 1887, he moved to the new townsite and expanded his operations. He was prosperous and well liked.
He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1902 and to the Senate in 1905 and 1907. He was a State Representative again in 1908 and 1909, when he was chosen to be Speaker of the House of Kansas Representatives. He was appointed State Banking Commissioner in 1911 by Gov. Stubbs and was largely responsible for the Blue Sky law and the bank guaranty laws.
He was married on October 13, 1887 to Miss Mary McClelland who died several years ago. Their only child, Mrs. Esther Townsend, lives in Kansas City. The funeral and burial were in Topeka.